• Customers

    Customer Success Stories

    Take your pick—we've got you covered.

A large European energy company faced the problem of automated document flow involving several levels of access rights. The work cycle on a typical project is three to five years. These projects generate vast amounts of work product and complementary documentation. There are many different document versions and different access rights further compounding each project’s complexity. In addition, the Client needed a convenient solution for teamwork on documents, including offline collaboration.

Integrated Business Processes Automation for a Luxury Clothing Company

Operating within the markets of Western Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong, our Client’s company is a designer, sewer, and seller of clothing in the luxury market segment. To work with its end customers, the business was using a CRM system. However, business was growing, so the Client needed to automate the management of both its clothing engineering process and its lead management system, which this company uses to financially incentivize employee productivity.

Integrated Automation of the Business Processes of an IT Company

A company selling Internet solutions (network equipment, IP telephony, technical support) experienced problems with manual project management. Their main workflow involved a complex chain of interaction with suppliers, customers, and business units within the company.


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