Four real-world examples of performance issues that can occur with PowerApps

20.07.23 03:40 AM By Dmitri Plotnikov

Large Data Sets:If your PowerApp is connected to a data source with a large number of records (say, over 500), you might experience performance issues. PowerApps has a limit on the number of records it can retrieve at once (the default is 500), and while you can increase this limit, it can lead to slower performance. For example, a company might have a PowerApp connected to a SharePoint list with thousands of items. If the app tries to load all the items at once, it could become slow or unresponsive.

Complex Calculations: PowerApps might struggle with complex calculations or logic, especially if these are being done on large data sets. For example, a financial company might have a PowerApp that performs complex calculations on financial data. If the calculations are too complex or the data set is too large, the app might become slow.

Multiple Data Sources: If your PowerApp is connected to multiple data sources, it might have to retrieve data from each of these sources every time it loads, which can slow down performance. For example, a company might have a PowerApp that pulls data from several different SharePoint lists and a SQL Server database. The more data sources the app has to pull from, the slower it might be.

External Data Sources: If your PowerApp is connected to an external data source (i.e., a data source that's not in the same network or not a part of the Microsoft ecosystem), it might experience performance issues due to network latency or other connectivity issues. For example, a company might have a PowerApp that's connected to an external CRM system. If the connection to the CRM system is slow or unreliable, it could affect the performance of the app.

In all these cases, it's important to optimize your PowerApp as much as possible, such as by limiting the number of records you retrieve at once, simplifying your calculations, reducing the number of data sources, or ensuring a reliable connection to external data sources.